Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love those Teachers

Last Thursday my sweet boy started his first day of Preschool. He was thrilled, and he loves going to school.

We decided to give his teacher and aid a little "thank you for being my teacher" gift.
 Thanks to Pintrest we had some great ideas. 
His teacher was surprised to get a gift on the first day of school, but I say why not.
I really value the teacher that teaches my son, so I say we need to spoil them every chance we can. Lord knows they don't do it for the money!
We love school, even it is only 5 hours a week, we are both benefiting from it.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! And I'm always for gifts on the first day of school! or anytime! I just found your blog through a blog hop, I love it. If you're interested please take a look at my blog at www.romanianprincess.com and if you like it PLEASE be a follower!

    XoXo Nicole Mariana
