Only Problem with that is, I did not have any cute Pj's. I typically just wear an old t shirt or maybe some sweat pants. But that isn't fun, so I had to have some new ones. Christmas is coming, money is tight, and I have a ton of fabric, sooo that results in making some pants.
Actually made them into Capri's. I think they are pretty cute. I really like the soft satin ribbon bow. The picture on the other hand....
I sort of looked over this tute before I started, but I kind of just went with it.
They aren't perfect, one leg needs to be fixed, but good enough!
Perfect for my fun evening with the girls.
We had, Peanut butter cookie sandwiches. So good! Recipe here...
Oreo Truffles, Cheesecake stuffed Strawberries, Some Popcorn
And just a good time with Pjs, make up, and friends. One thing I forgot to mention... Because a lot of my girl friends husbands are deployed or out of town, we had kids come also. There ended up being 11 kids, 10 of them boys! It was a crazy mad house. Still fun though! (Next time, no kids!)