I always knew that I wanted to adopt a child. It is in my heart, I know God put that there, and I am thankful. It honestly surprised me to learn that some people do not immediately love all children. I always have. Of course having my own is different, but I have always wanted to love on every child I babysat, or watched in the nursery, or taught, or played with. I am not worried about bonding with a child and I am thankful for how this opportunity.
When we started early discussions about adoption, international adoption wasn't really ever even brought up. I know we aren't called to do that, at least now. We have friends who have, and that has been wonderful for their families. Money plays a big role. It is a lot of money. But mostly I worry about the ethics surrounding international adoption right now. As Christians we are called to care for orphans. But are we called to steal them from their families and cultures? Not saying this is the case all the time, even most of the time, but it happens. I would love for the christian community to help these families stay together, rather than separating them permanently.
I thought this blog series was very informative, here is part 2 and Part 3. Also if you haven't read this post, you simply must. So funny! I am also about to read this book, nice and freshly downloaded to the kindle. Maybe I will share the review when I am done.
So international adoption was out, and pretty much the same for domestic infant adoption. We did like the foster care option though. I have known a few friends and friends of friends who have adopted through foster care and could not be happier. Not to say it wasn't a hard road, but definitely a happy ending. It pretty much costs nothing to adopt from foster care, so that is great for us. It is extremely rewarding, and I know it is going grow our faith leaps and bounds. Most importantly we want to be a foster family because abuse and neglect of children happens everywhere. It is terrible, but true. If we can be a safe family for a child, even if it is only for a little bit, then we are happy.