You know you are up too late when, you are still awake and your baby wakes up for one of his nightly feedings. I will be having coffee tomorrow, but at least the floor is mopped. Oh and pictures are not edited at all, it is way too late for that!
I say this often, but I love receiving and giving handmade gifts. I love it when something you work hard on, can make someone else happy.
Recently I just laugh when people say something like:
"cute, where did you get this?"
I say, "I made it."
"You made it?!?"
Then I smile, while thinking how is it so unbelievable that I made that?
Anyway, my friends are slowly starting to realize my awesomeness. :)
The birthday parties have started. We haven't had too many until now, but with preschool, is sure to come many parties.
This gift seems great for a three year old, and it is super inexpensive.
A crayon roll, coloring books, and a little backpack.
I think it is pretty cute. I would wear it! I used the noodlehead pattern. She makes some great patterns if you need something. Love how clear and easy to follow her tutes are.
Our little friend loved it also.
Another gift was for a new baby boy.
A ribbon blankie, but this one had bells in one corner.Soft flannel, super soft minky, different textures ribbons, crunch inside, little bells. Awesome sensory blanky. Bryson loves his, but he may need one with bells.
There is also a longer snap ribbon for a toy or paci. Combine that with a store bought swaddler blanket, (love those things), and it makes a great gift.
The ribbon blanky is making its way back to the etsy shop very soon.
I have to ask your opinions. Long ribbon for toy or paci, or without. We don;t really use paci's so Bryson is great without needed that extra ribbon, but maybe other babies would like it. Hmmm maybe both?

That's a great taggy blanket! And babies just love 'em!