First up is a scrappy runner for our table. It is simply ruffled fabric scraps and some ribbon sewn onto a piece of fabric. Easy, easy.
I took many strips of pink fabric from my scrap pile, and ruffled the strips. I did not even finish the edges because I liked an unfinished look on such girly fabric. You can cut on the bias and it won't fray as much, but I was not worried about it, so I just left it as is. After I had laid out all of my strips, I sewed them down the middle onto a long white piece of cotton.
Once all of my strips were sewn on, I sewed another white piece of cotton with right sides together. Clipped corners, turned right side out. and sewed shut. I pressed the underside to make sure everything would lie like I wanted to, and done! I told you it was easy and quick.
This would be a great project for a beginning sewer to learn on because it is really just straight lines. It adds just a little more love to our table. Now it just needs a delicious meal on it... wonder who will be making that?

thats super cute!